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October 07, 2012



Yes, Jordan, that's the problem.
Given the hold of the far right on the GOP, particularly in the Congress, there is no room for the return of a more moderate Romney should he become the next president.


Mitt Romney was so close a partner with the liberal late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in the crafting of Massachusetts' sweeping healthcare law that he frequently referred to Kennedy as “my collaborator and friend.”

Now, Romney calls himself as a “severe conservative” and distances himself from the law that was the basis for Obamacare.

Romney also relied on Kennedy to work behind the scenes to cajole Massachussetss legislators to vote for RomneyCare and to loosen federal laws to allow Romney care to be implemented problem-free.

Governor Romney is a Kennedy Republican whose signature politcial accomplishment was aided and abetted by the most liberal Democrat in the Senate.

When you vote for Romney, you never know what you're going to get.

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