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September 06, 2012


independent voter

Blind partisanship is a poor basis on which to choose our President. For a serious post that befits a Columbia professor, please compare Obama's and Romney's fiscal policies in order to conclude whose fiscal policy is better. Clinton isn't running for President; I know you know that grafting Clinton's fiscal policy onto Obama with your “Economic Recovery/Fiscal Soundness Czar” suggestion is inane and a cheat.

I infer from your post that you and Romney agree on the better course of Clinton's fiscal policy. Yet you praise Clinton for claiming Obama's fiscal policy - not Clinton's fiscal policy - is the correct course at this time. But then you immediately pivot from that praise by proposing Clinton be placed in charge of fiscal policy in Obama's 2nd term. Your "czar" proposal implies you favor Romney's fiscal policy, since Romney aligns better with Clinton's fiscal policy, over Obama's fiscal policy. However, you favor Obama as President over Romney.

To resolve this contradiction, your compromise is to elect Obama President, but also have Romney's fiscal policy via Clinton as “Economic Recovery/Fiscal Soundness Czar”.

Do you intend to tell your readers that this absurd proposal is your real opinion on this issue? If not, you should give your readers a serious conclusion based on a thoughtful comparison of Obama's and Romney's fiscal policies.

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