By Brigitte L. Nacos
Those who have compared tea partiers to terrorists have a point. Just like terrorists, they fight a total war against evil enemies—those who do not share their fanatic conviction and agenda. Just like terrorists, they divide the world around them into an in-group of freedom fighters and the bad out-group of those who do not buy into their mission. They write and rewrite an “us” against “them” scenario with the credo, “If you are not with us, you are with the enemy.” Like terrorist groups, tea partiers have leaders and followers; like modern-day terrorists, they use the Internet for their propaganda, recruitment, fundraising, and operations.
Terrorists attack and destroy with real weapons; tea partiers attack with hate speech, destroy policies, and threaten public officials that do not embrace their agenda.
The following paragraphs from the 9-12 Project’s handbook “Starting the Revolution: Your Guide to Being a Block Captain” reveal the extremist ideas of Tea Party leaders and the extent of their declared war on America as we know it:
“Today, we are in war for the heart and soul of America. The next few short years will determine the fate of American for perhaps 100 years, or much longer. Should America’s patriots falter, the horror and evil of Socialism will march all over America. And without America to stop Socialism’s advance, the entire planet will fall before its menace.
It is important to understand the stakes in this war. Should we win, we stand to gain back our nation. Should we fail, we stand to lose freedom, entirely; for ourselves and our children, and our grandchildren.
Declare victory TODAY! Commit to being a lifelong soldier and patriot. Commit to being a lover or freedom and a steward of liberty. Commit to answering freedom's call and to fighting forever until the war is Unconditionally Won. Start and WIN the Revolution! Commit!”
“Tea Party 1.0 was about the birth of the first massive, spontaneous grassroots movement in a generation. It was about rallying the troops and waking up America to realize that the inmates are running the asylum; that the first Manchurian Candidate became the first Manchurian President; that government programs and government spending were poised to destroy our children’s future.”
“Tea Party 2.0, is characterized by the swift march of Tea Party Patriots into political activism on a permanent basis. Tea Party 2.0 is an unstoppable freight train.”
” Long term, America’s Block Captains will take control of every governmental entity at every level and aspect of American government, every judgeship and judicial/ prosecutorial authority, and dominate the faculties and leadership of every university and school in the United States.
We will expose and defeat the evil of Socialism, ensuring its removal to the dustbin of history, along with the rest of Humanity’s most damnable and heinous projects.”
Well, the outcome of the struggle for raising the country’s debt ceiling has demonstrated how serious and how successful the Tea Party is fighting in its war on America. Never mind that the tea partiers did not get all they wanted. They are unhappy because they left a few crumbs on the table although they forced President Obama and Democrats in Congress to wave the white flag of surrender.
Just like Al Qaeda terrorists set America’s agenda following the 9/11 attacks, tea partiers accomplished the same since last year's election when their small faction took over the Republican Party in both congressional chambers.
Unless the majority of Americans wakes up, the Tea Party “freight train” will destroy America as totally as Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center.