By Brigitte L. Nacos
Not Fox News but CNN has been most eager to cover and embrace the so-called Tea Party and its darlings—if only to shore up its shrinking audience size and counter the rating slide to third place behind cable rivals Fox News and MSNBC.
CNN looks more and more like the Tea Party Network.
Following the overly generous coverage of tea partiers’ crude take-overs of town hall meetings during the 2009 health reform debates and of tea party candidates’ hate speech during last fall’s campaign, CNN was the only network to air “live” congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s “Tea Party response” to President Obama’s State of the Union speech earlier this week.
It was quite a spectacle to watch Wolf Blitzer who sounded more like a cheerleader than an anchor as he stood before a count-down meter that hyped Bachmann’s nearing appearance. Here is an excerpt from the newscast:
BLITZER: But I want to take a quick break. We're awaiting Michele Bachmann to deliver the Tea Party movement's official response to the president's State of the Union address. Stand by. We'll have it live right here after this.
BLITZER: Now Michele Bachmann, the congresswoman from Minnesota, she's about to deliver the Tea Party movement's response to the president's State of the Union address. We're going to bring that to you live as we've brought the official Republican response, as well from Paul Ryan. And then we'll have more analysis.
Anderson Cooper has now joined us. Anderson, as we await Michele Bachmann, this is one of those nights when we get to see a wide spectrum of thought, a lot of lofty comments. But not a whole lot of specifics. Actually, in past State of the Union speeches, I think the difficulty for speech writers is it often does become a laundry list of items. I think President Obama made an effort to paint in broader strokes throughout the speech. I'm interested in hearing what congresswoman Michele Bachmann has to say.
Eric, how do most Republicans feel about the fact that she's even doing this?
[Eric] ERICKSON [ blogger]: I think most Republicans, actually, are upset that she's doing it. I think they're upset with those of us I guess now just seeing and covering this for free and giving it attention.
BLITZER: All right. Hold on a second, Erick. Let's listen to the congresswoman.
Erickson got it: Bachmann and Tea Partiers managed once again to get a hell of a lot free media exposure thanks to the news media, especially cable networks, most of all CNN.
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