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March 22, 2010


Tony Facade

Thanks for your response. I would expect the relevant agencies to prosecute the offenders as thoroughly as other terrorists have been, lest we blur the definitions and make allowances based on religious or culutral affiliations. Consistency means a lot in a country claiming "rule of law."

Brigitte Nacos

Hi, Tony: I wondered what happened to you and missed your always most interesting and important comments.
As for the attacks on Democrats who voted for the health care reform bill, I surely call this terrorism since by definition is violence for political reasons and ends. Moreover, the heated rhetoric of legislators on the oppositional side has surely contributed to embolden the extremist right-wing fringe of the militia/patriot variety.
Take a look at these links, first a Washington Post article of a former militia guy--now worse:

then, this guy's web site:

And this in 21st century America...

Tony Facade

Hello Dr Nacos, can you characterize the attacks on Dems who voted for the health care bill as terrorism? If not, why not?

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