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February 04, 2009



Dear Mr Epstein,

You are a doomed left-wing Keynesian. The "right-wing" economists you say were refuted half a century ago knew the crisis is coming because of government involvement. They can explain why bubbles occur and who gets them started.
You are so self-obsessed that you dismiss any other opinion than your own, just as you presented during the debate with Peter Schiff at Columbia University. Even your students can now see who got things right and won't be misguided by your big government policies any more.


Tanya Domi

Ditto to David Epstein's apt observations about the Republicans in driving the discourse on the stimulus bill. I would also add, Obama has a pretty weak partner in Leader Harry Reid. In fact, I think the Democratic leadership has a historically shoddy record in working with a Democratic President, going back to Tip O'Neil and Jimmy Carter, a good case in point. The same could be said of the Congressional Democrats with Clinton at times. So these political leaders, beginning with Obama better get out there and lead. I feel like Rome is burning and everyone is standing around and fiddling.

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