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September 15, 2008



Yes, Plato's cave allegory is perfect to explain how the perceived reality is but a reflection of the real thing. As Lippmann recognized, this is the way to explain who modern man's view of the world--including politics: Since most of what we know about what is going on in our localities, states, and the national and international environment, we take our "knowledge" from the media. But even if there were no bias in the press, media reality would not some close to reality. Now add to this the mass-mediated spinning and outright lying and the failure of most of the media to correct the dismal record.
That said, I am glad you are back Tony.

Tony Facade

Hello Professor,
My cranium is threatening to implode from all the pressure generated by the misinformation flying around. Dana Perino has dismissed OBL as mastermind, thus turning 7 years of books on the subject into fiction; McCain has credited the surge to explain events that occurred before the surge was even announced; B Obama is enunciating like an inner-city brother, Biden came across on CNN last night like a veteran of the Dark Side, (did they mention his 5 deferments?); and there are at least 7 separate versions of the Bush Doctrine. The Fed's bailouts are going to reduce much of the nation to pauperdom, and soon. So it shouldn't be any surprise that the Reps control the terms of the dialogue as usual, since they have a better grasp on the innocence of the mind(lessness) of the typical American voter. Is this reminiscent of Plato's Allegory of the Cave?


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