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March 13, 2008


Rick Taylor

Obama did attack Hillary from the right on healthcare, which is one of the things that persuaded me to vote for her in the primaries. Not only was it an attack on Hillary, but it was also an attack on a certain policy that Democrats might be working for in the future no matter who's in power, so it was doubly offensive.

On the other hand, Hillary's remark that she and McCain and cross the commander in chief threshold, but maybe not Obama, certainly crossed the line as well. Of course she should paint herself as more experienced on defense, and she has a lot of ways to do it (for example, her military endorsements), without painting McCain as more trustworthy on defense than the likely Democratic candidate for the Presidency.


I thought your theorem was interesting and it help explains the dynamics of the race. I always thought of Obama being the liberal Democrat, while I always have viewed Hillary as the moderate. I just never thought some Democratic supporters would view Clinton's comments as negatively as they do. I don't agree with them, but at least I have a better idea of why they are doing it.


Well, I agree that when Hillary tries to expose Obama, she is doing McCain's work for him, if she is portrayed as being to the right of O. I don't think of the space between O and Mc as linear, so I don't equate H with necessarily a moderate position between extremes. But if I were H, I'd try to draw out Mrs Obama, since she is rarely heard from, with good reason, I suspect. I think Barack is the kinder and gentler of the couple. Let's find out now.


Conjecture it maybe, but it's an interesting proposition since it accounts for the Clinton campaign's, I think genuine, frustration with making criticisms of Obama. Have you considered prior primary elections or perhaps the dynamics on the Republican side this cycle?


Sounds like a conjecture to me. Can it be proven? Hillary oughta just say that Obama is not credible, since one day he's channelling JFK, the next day it's Reagan, and neither would place him to the left of Hil. He's campaigning on a tautology- "HOPE!!" (for what?) "CHANGE!!" (to what, exactly?) "HOPE!!!!!

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