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January 31, 2008



I have to say I strongly disagree with this analysis. You imply that the media should be challenging McCain for silence on the Bush signing statements, which strikes me as unfair treatment (to single someone out, that is).

Worst of all, you bring up these popular but unbecoming attacks on McCain about his "100 years" and "other wars" comments. Obviously, what he said about 100 years was simply a comparison to our lengthy presence in places like Japan, Korea, Germany, (now) Kuwait, etc. Yet the media, which supposedly is in McCain's camp, constantly replayed his remarks on television without giving them proper context.

And, yes, it is straight talk to tell the American people there will be other wars. As a serious academic, are you insisting that there won't be?


We were treated to an assertive "it depends" on the waterboarding question from the new guy filling in for Gonzales the Mealymouth. Mukasey said he would probably consider WB torture if applied to himself, but as regards the soldiers, well....not so sure. We have gone from bad to worse in the AG's office. This version can't even be definite, which at least Gonzales was, even if he didn't have the authority to rewrite all those international treaties the US ratified. The stunning news is that the US citizenry seems to have an unlinited capacity for such doubletalk. Not so long ago, protesters would have been clogging D.C's streets. As for McCain, his most positive asset seems to be that he isn't flawless, as his opponent portrays himself. But we'll either see a draft or a massive recruitment of mercenaries to fight all those wars McCain has promised us.

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