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December 09, 2007



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Mr. Redlich:
You are right that the mainstream media ignore candidates that do not have high poll numbers at the early stages of our far too long election campaigns. I have considered that as an unhealthy bias all along in that this practice does not allow voters to get the whole range of views candidates hold and deprives so-called minor candidates to become better known. I also do not agree with the media organizers of debates that exclude candidates with lower poll numbers in the early stages of election campaigns from participating--even before the first caucuses/primaries.
However, my blog is not to be compared with the mainstream media in that our posts strive for informed commentary--not for all-the-news-that's-fit-to-print straight news reporting.
I thank you for your comment and hope you will visit and comment again.

Albany Lawyer Warren Redlich

While I agree with your criticism of the mainstream media, perhaps you should look in the mirror. Here you have a prominent blog (PageRank 5), you frequently discuss the presidential election, and I can't find Ron Paul mentioned anywhere on here.

Most amazing since I found your blog after a Google search for my old friend David Epstein (we were at Stanford GSB together). I saw David speaking on the PBS NOW program on Ron Paul.

By not talking about Ron Paul, you are dead-on with most of the mainstream media, doing your best not to make him as a candidate.

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