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October 18, 2007



Yes, Haydar, I agree--and since the U.S. military doesn't do anything, it is hypocritical of Washington and the EU to ask Turkey to refrain from defending against attacks on its citizens.


US military in Iraq steering clear of Kurdish fight. US supposed to be the military police of the world and top military commander said they'd do absolutely nothing if terrorists operating in his region. How come? Does that make sense to anyone, please?

ert masa

well nothing to say about this article. it reflects complete reality. well written.

ert masa

well nothing to say about this article. it reflects complete reality. well written.

ert masa

well nothing to say about this article. it reflects complete reality. well written.


Agreed on the hypocritical stance of the US and EU - I also think the claims of calamity if limited operations do occur are over stated.

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