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September 10, 2007



I have no evidence that OBL has left the building, so I therefore am left with the possibility that he is on the tape. Report after report has announced that the U.S. is only marginally safer than six years and one day ago. Is it more prudent to take the video seriously, or to treat it as some kind of fake? Should Townsend scoff at it as official posture? Her job at HSC was to prepare for the bird flu pandemic,
(http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20060504.html) which hasn't materialized yet. Maybe that's where her attitude comes from.


New Osama video seems yet another forgery. Everyone needs Osama alive:
terrorists as symbolic leader and the US Administration - to avoid
scaling down the war on terror.
Obadiah Shoher rightly notes (
http://www.samsonblinded.org/news/osama-commemorates-911-1114 ) that
new Osama talks like a leftist university professor. I like Shoher's
analysis. No way a terrorist leader like Osama would use a speechwriter. Osama is famous
for his rhetoric.
Also, in the tape Osama both threatens America with attack (by
"proving" Americans polytheists) and offers (yet another time)
long-term coaching in Islam.
But his dyed beard makes me cautious. Islam's mujahedeen dye their
beards before battle.


Osama Bin Laden Has SEX with Goats

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