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May 24, 2007



Tony, you have a good point--but, unfortunately, we political scientists stick too often to the standard terms. When an officials has only 30% or so favorable ratings, the headline should signal rising disapproval, or public overwhelmingly disapproves... This is particularly important with respect to headlines since many readers do not read articles fully--or not at all--but remember the headlines.
Again, point well taken.


Brigitte, may I suggest that it is time to retire the phrase "low approval rating," or the use of "approval" at all, in favor of "high DISapproval rating" which is more to the point, and which more accurately represents the majority sentiment in the US.
Readers fix on "approval" as a positive, without necessarily questioning just how low the rating really is.
"Seventy-six percent (76%) disapprove of the US progress in the Iraq War" packs more punch, doesn't it, and isn't that the media's intent? Thank you.

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