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April 11, 2007



Patrick: I agree with your thoughtful comment but wanted to highlight in my post the need for the mass media to be a guardian of fundamental values and a forum for mass-mediated discourse apart from episodic events like the Imus episode and the reactions to it. All the sudden attention to racism and sexism must not overshadow the fact that this is not a problem of but a few but one that is alive and well among many. We can only hope that this unfortunate episode will serve as the beginning of a meaningful discussion of deeply seated societal prejudices and stereotypes--but this will only happen if the mass media fulfill their roles.


Greetings Brigitte, I read your blog on occasions and thought I would add a few words:
As a hoops fan I watched Rutgers in their tourney. They were tough, clutch, electrifying, disciplined and well coached and beat a 30-1 Duke team. As soon as I heard the quote, I was angry as a ditto head. Imus didn't jingle off some nappy whoe lyrics in a MTV video or a private night club. He made a specific malicious personal attack on a group of college kids over airwaves owned by the public. The symbiotic Sharpton-Imus embrace was an obvious self serving media slow dance (Imus's calculated self-flagellation at the hands of the villain Sharpton must have had the 20-35 yr old attack dogs howling). I am continuously amused at the deceptive logic conservatives spin, 'Well, Clinton did this' and 'the city of Durham did that'. Have fun with that logic in court. The charge here is a personal mean-spirited attack on a team of college kids. Listen to the statements from the team and the impressive oration by Coach Stringer and judge for yourself.
Minutes ago Imus was fired. I thought CBS Les Moonves got it exactly right in his summation. I also think another stream that feeds into this is that people are getting fed up with the course incivility profited on by generally conservative populist talk radio hosts and supported by business interests large and small. I also agree with others who have stated that the severity in the firing reflects, probably to a minor degree, the emerging media and consumer strength of women and minorities. I think the sociological dynamics and timing of this clash point run deep into a wriggling can of worms.


Mia, to be sure he has his favorites--but he has been relentless in attacking members of the administration--particularly the vice president but the president as well--for their incompetence and failures and lies--not only with respect to Iraq.
I am not watching this show ever from beginning to end or for a longer stretch of time--when I get a chance very early in the morning for a short time when he has a politician as guest. More likely--I read afterwards excerpts from the transcript or look at a video clip.


I've been searching around about the imus story, I found your post interesting, but do you think he is really critical of washington. with so many showing up on his show how critical can he really be?

I found another great column you might be interested in


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