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February 18, 2007



Professor Lehman-Wilzig's point that the Palestinian people voted Hamas in is well taken. But many cast their votes in favor of Hamas in protest against the PA's corruption without giving Hamas a chance to win. For that reason, I believe that providing aid directly to the Palestinian people is the right thing to do. I also believe that instead of forming a Fatah-Hamas government, President Abbas should have scheduled new elections and given the Palestinian electorate a chance to vote Hamas out.

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig

Both final points are well taken: the Palestinian people need aid; their present coalition government has not renounced terrorism nor recognized Israel and thus should not be helped until they do. Which of the two takes precedence? The latter for now, for the simple reason that this this government was democratically elected by the Palestinian people, meaning that they are responsible for the disaster this governement has brought on them. Until such time as they elect Hamas OUT of office, it is the Palestinian people themselves who do not recognize Israel and support terrorism etc., and not just some "misguided" leaders. The Palestinian people have to take responsibility for their own political (in)action -- if they do not get rid of this government, they do not deserve foreign aid.

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