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November 12, 2006



Senator Clinton is more than qualified to be the next US President. But the facts are she is a female. It's is unfortunate that Americans are in the year 2008, but small minded in reference male vs female rolls.

Senator Obma is american black man. He is also qualified to be the next US President. The problem here how many american black men have become President of the US. NONE!

This is an example of small minded Americans are that they have "state that they are voteing for the best person for the job. NOT TRUE!!!!"

Most Americans will vote what is in their hearts! But the other half will base their vote on COLOR or GENDER!
So lets end all of the campainging and just give the job to McCAIN.

Tiffany Jeltema

What you said as a footnote is actually what I fear the most if Clinton or Obama run for office: that people will vote for them JUST because her sex or his race (or do the opposite and not vote).

Overall, I think a large number of Americans do not give a lot of their time or attention to politics - we're too busy with our own lives and issues of immediacy to bother. Candidates who could be distinguished solely on appearance would make it easier for people to choose who to vote for versus having to pick apart differences from one white male to another.

I think voter turnout would definitely be at an all-time high!

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