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October 20, 2006



I say my prayers every day and night for an end to all this chaos going on in the gvternmenos of the world. My foremost prayer is that we will get a new president who will be an effective strong leader because that is what we need. Our new president must be one who will promote democracy in the world and morality. I also pray for the end of the roles the greedy power hungry socialist advisors to Obama play.

Tiffany Jeltema

I also doubt there will be a negative response. We (Americans) have become so passive that even if we don't agree with something, we are unlikely to do much about it. It takes too much effort to focus off ourselves and our own busy lives. Besides, we aren't directly affected, and think we can’t do much about it anyway.
The way the media presents a lot of their stories plays on our emotions, too, and fear is a very powerful emotion! Part of me thinks we enjoy being afraid; it is a rush and makes us appreciate what we have and scared to lose it or change our ways.

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