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August 23, 2006



I like RT Al-Jazeera English is too Islamist for me. If you're interested in Middle East news check out Mosaic via, link t.v. Euronews is antoehr good news source, though you can't get it with a U.S. I.P. address which I find odd. I agree with Russia Today. It is sad that now the U.S. news media has become like the state television of the Eastern Bloc during the cold war era. You might also want to look at globalvoices.org and crowdvoices.org. You will get a feel for what are the circumstances on the ground outside of the U.S. boarders. I feel W. Bush was the best at distracting America with the Shadows on the Wall.


The Al Jazeera interview of Wafa Sultan, which has been circulated in the internet since its February 2006 broadcast, is an illuminating example of the network's willingness to accomodate anti-Arab arguments to a degree of risking alienation by Muslim audiences.

The video, which was unfortunately edited to exclude Ms. Sultan's adversary in that debate (perhaps a bias of the show's production company, which seems to have distributed this segment?), is available at: http://switch3.castup.net/cunet/gm.asp?ai=214&ar=1050wmv&ak=null


Monday, August 21, 2006
A History Lesson for the Modern Media

Boswell found out early on how seriously Dr. Johnson took the English language. Boswell casually "happened to say, it would be terrible if he (Dr. Johnson) should not find a speedy opportunity of returning to London."

Johnson scolded him by saying, "Don't, Sir, accustom yourself to use big words for little matters. It would not be terrible, though I were to be detained some time here. The practice of using words of disproportionate magnitude is, no doubt, too frequent every where..."

The quotation serves as a good lesson for our modern media whether in news, entertainment, or commercials. The culture is rife with the "greatest," "most fabulous," "never before seen" use of words that are disproportionate with the magnitude of the event.

What used to be the province of carnival barkers is now a daily insult to the intelligence of the TV audience. All in hopes of making a mediocre event much greater than it is.

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